Phenomenal Acupressure for Back Pain

Acupressure is a technique of rubbing specific acupressure points to relieve pain.  There are a number of very power acupressure points that are helpful in reducing back pain.

Rub Your Back

It is a natural reaction to rub where it hurts. This can often temporarily relieve the pain. For a gentle warming massage you can use palm of your hand. But for more force you can use the knuckles on your first.

Go slow and don’t overdue the force.  Listen to the body because you don’t want to cause more pain or spasm.

You should also massage these acupressure points to help relieve chronic and acute pain.

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SI 3 for back pain

Small Intestine 3 (SI 3)

SI 3 is a very effective acupuncture and acupressure point for back pain. It is effective for acute back pain, but also can be massaged regularly for chronic back pain.

SI 3 is located on the outside of the hand, directly next to the base of the pinkie. You can rub this point very strongly if the pain is very severe. This is one of the best acupuncture points for back pain.

SI 3 is located on the Small Intestine Channel. This channel travels up the outside of the arm through the shoulder and connects to the lower back.  Because of this connection it is a powerful point to relieve lower back pain.

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KI 3

Kidney 3 (KI 3)

KI 3 is a very strong and effective point for chronic back pain. It is better for chronic back pain than acute back pain because the kidneys store the qi and reside in the lower back.  Too little Qi or Qi Deficiency can cause lower back pain. .

KI 3 is located just behind the inside ankle bone. Massage this point everyday. Rub gentle in small circles to create warmth. This helps to warm the kidney channel and alleviate back pain.

Joseph Alban, L.Ac.

Joseph Alban, L.Ac.

Joseph Alban is a Doctor of Acupuncture, New York Licensed Acupuncturist, and NCCAOM Board Certified Herbalist providing the highest quality Acupuncture and Chinese medicine care tailored to your needs.

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