Sleep. We are supposed to spend one third of our lives sleeping. But for many people, that’s a lot easier said than done.
More than half of American adults have trouble sleeping. sleeping. Insomnia is associated with many chronic illnesses. Pain is a significant cause of insomnia.
Can acupuncture treat insomnia?
Yes, acupuncture helps reduce insomnia and it is more relaxing than counting sheep!
Acupuncture works by addressing the root imbalance that is causing the condition.
The root treatment of insmonia addresses the heart, liver-gallbladder, and stomach. The heart houses the spirit, yin and blood deficiency will irritate the spirit causing insomnia characterized by restlessness, anxiety, and palpitations. Sweating hands, a red complexion and tongue signals yin deficiency, while pale white complexion with a pale tongue reveals blood deficiency.
One of the good acupuncture points for this pattern is HT 7.
Stress and frustration can cause insomnia from liver qi stagnation. This pattern is associated with irritability, tightness in the chest and rib-sides, and neck pain. Use LV 3 and LI 4 for liver qi stagnation.
Sometimes stagnation in the stomach harasses the spirit, which will cause insomnia with bloating, belching, and nausea. For this condition use ST 36 and PC 6.
Also, you can try acupressure for insomnia at home to enhance the effect of the acupuncture.
Photo: Wikipedia