Chinese Medicine

Dive deep into the rich and diverse world of Chinese medicine, an ancient healing system with over 2,000 years of history. This category will explore the core principles, practices, and history of Chinese medicine, including herbal medicine, and offer insights into its timeless wisdom for achieving optimal health and well-being. You will also learn about chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment techniques and principles of herbal medicine.

What is Chinese Herbal Therapy?

Ku Shen and Huang qin Yesterday, an acupressure student of mine asked “What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?”. This is a …

What is Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a term that refers to medicine practices developed in China and other parts of Asia.  Traditional …

Natural Remedies for the Common Cold

I have often written about herbal remedies for treating common colds.  Today, I will expand on the two most common herbal …

How to Cook Chinese Herbs

Ceramic pot for cooking Chinese Herbs Cooking Chinese herbs is easy.  But it does take some time.  Many people like …

How Chinese Herbs are Prepared

Chinese herbal remedies have been used for centuries for many conditions and to boost overall health.   For many conditions the …

Acupuncture for Adult Acne Treatment

Some think that only teenagers get acne.  But many adults, mostly women, develop acne in their 20’s and remain with it well …

Cooling Summertime Tea

As the summer heat intensifies, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) guides us toward cooling foods and teas to balance the hot …

Chinese herbs for traveling

Next week I am going to Mexico, and in addition to being very excited. I am preparing for my trip …