
Acupuncture is a holistic healing practice with origins dating back thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. The acupuncture category provides introduction to acupuncture fundamentals, history, and principles of acupuncture. I will explore many mechanisms of acupuncture. Additionally, category will provide you with evidence-based information and insights into the efficacy and safety of acupuncture treatments.

Joseph Alban

3 Essential Back Stretches

Back stretches and exercises are a helpful in addition to acupuncture for back pain. These back stretches are an easy and helpful addition to help reduce chronic back pain.

Acupuncture Helps a Star Pitcher

Can acupuncture be used by athletes to stay healthy and avoid injuries? Yes! Just ask Yankees star pitcher A.J. Burnett …

Acupuncture close on back

Recommending Acupuncture for Back Pain

Acupuncture has long been praised by patients and clinicians alike for its ability to treat back pain. Although the clinical research is unclear, many scholars and scientists are receommending acupuncture for back pain relief.

acupunture model

How Acupuncture Works: Channels and Points

Acupuncture points and meridians are a core idea within acupuncture theory. Understanding these concepts is essential for anyone interested in …