Acupuncture Reduces Prostate Surgery Side Effects
Post Prostate Cancer Recovery
Prostate surgery is a successful treatment for prostate cancer but has many side effects that can impact quality of life.
Acupuncture is a safe a natural treatment for frequent urination, sexual function, as well as hot flashes that can occur after surgery.
Acupuncture Improves Frequent Urination after Prostate Surgery
Acupuncture has shown to reduce incontinence, frequent urination, and sexual dysfunction associated with prostate surgery.
To illustrate acupuncture treatment I will share a case study I published in Medical Acupuncture.
My patient was a 62-year-old man who had radical prostatectomy for a prostate cancer. He reported frequent urination, nocturia, and urinary leakage. He had a history of frequent urination for the past 5 years, originally developed from type 2 diabetes.
One year prior to acupuncture treatment, the patient underwent radical laparoscopic prostatectomy for early stage prostate cancer. After the surgery, his frequent urination and nocturia worsened, with the need to urinate every hour both day and night. Occasionally, he experienced urinary leakage, which he managed by wearing a pad. The nocturia caused poor sleep and chronic fatigue, as he awoke 5–7 times every night to urinate.
Acupuncture Treatment for Frequent Urination from Prostatectomy
Acupuncture treatment was performed twice per week. Points included a front treatment of CV 3, CV 4, and KI 12 with pole moxa, and LR 5, SP 6. Back treatment was GV 4, GV 3, GV 2, UB 23, UB 32, and UB 33 with pole moxa, as well as UB 57.
Acupuncture Results
After 10 treatments, there was a great reduction in frequency of urination during both the day and night. In addition, this patient’s ability to hold his bladder was also reported to have increased. He was awaking to urinate 0–2 times per night, a major reduction in nocturia.
Traditional acupuncture was successful in helping this patient with frequent urination. Treatment and success story can help stimulate more research into the treatment of frequent urination and nocturia following prostatectomy.
Acupuncture for Hot Flashes Post Prostate Surgery
A recently research study shows that acupuncture is effective at relieving hot flashes in men after prostate surgery.
The acupuncture made a dramatic improvement in these patients. There was a 68.4% improvement after only two weeks of treatment.
At 6 weeks of treatment, there was an 89.2% improvement.
8 Months Follow Up
There was not only an immediate improvement. The researchers followed up after 8 months post treatment. Amazingly the men maintained an 80.3 % improvement in hot flashes.
The men maintained real improvement for many months after acupuncture treatment.