Interstital cystitis
Acupuncture Helps Interstitial Cystitis
Acupuncture helps women with interstitial cystitis through the correction of imbalances in the body. In this way, it improves mood and decreases pain. Moreover, it relieves pain and discomfort associated with urination, which is among the most common symptoms of IC. Acupuncture also helps to relieve the stress associated with interstitial cystitis.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine work by correcting imbalances to restore health. This is what I refer to as the “reset button” to bring the body back to a healthy state.
Many women have had success with IC using acupuncture and herbs. This article will discuss interstitial cystitis, acupuncture and research that supports acupuncture for IC.
What is Interstitial Cystitis?
Interstitial cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome is a chronic and painful disorder that affects the bladder and pelvic areas. It causes frequent and painful urination, and can be associated with a range of other symptoms such as body pain, digestive problems, pain during period, and fatigue.
Its symptoms range from mild to severe, and the patient may experience multiple flare-ups. IC symptoms can cause severe problems in your relationships, school, or work. Acupuncture helps by reducing inflammation, decreasing pain, and bringing the body back to health.
How Does Acupuncture Treat Interstitial Cystitis
According to Chinese medicine, not everyone who gets IC is affected by the same root cause.
Acupuncture teaches that the body is interconnected by channels (also known as meridians) and that the body’s energy, qi, flows through these meridians to maintain our health. Illness can be caused by imbalances in the flow of qi.
Interstitial Cystitis is often caused by qi weakness, heat, and qi stagnation. People can suffer from multiple imbalances, so it is common to have more than one. It is also important to identify which imbalance is specific to your case to help guide treatment.
Specific symptoms will be correlated with imbalances. People with qi weakness (or lack of energy) are more likely to feel tired and have digestive issues. Qi weakness can cause frequent urination and nighttime urination. It can also lead to a feeling of fullness within the abdomen. Qi stagnation refers to a decrease in energy circulation and can lead to pain, bloating and muscle spasms. Heat can lead to dryness, burning urine, abnormal sweating and stiff joints.
The use of acupuncture has demonstrated positive effects on women suffering from Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS). A recent study showed that ten sessions of acupuncture can significantly reduce symptoms in women with IC/BPS. The study was conducted on 12 female patients with refractory IC/BPS and recorded their progress with a visual analog score. The first three months of the treatment showed 100% response.
This treatment is very effective in reducing the pain and inflammation associated with IC. It also balances the body’s underlying conditions. This can lead to decreased recurrence and the elimination of IC. The effectiveness of acupuncture has been proven and is a safe, natural way to control pain and inflammation.
Acupuncture is a Wholistic Treatment
Acupuncture is very effective in reducing the pain and inflammation associated with IC. It also balances the body’s underlying conditions. This can lead to decreased recurrence and the elimination of IC. The effectiveness of acupuncture has been proven, and is a safe, natural way to control pain and inflammation.
Acupuncture address the whole person. To get a better understanding of your symptoms, it is important to have a detailed history taken at the first visit. We do not just think of bladder symptoms, but also general pain in the body, sleep, digestion, and overall well being.
After identifying the problem, the acupuncture point prescription will be tailored to address it.
Channels are located on the surface of the body but also internally. This is why thin Acupuncture needles, which lightly penetrate the skin, can work to treat pain and illness of the bladder associated with Interstitial Cystitis.
Feedback From our clients…
“I started seeing Joe in mid-2012 at the age of 28. I was newly diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, have battled Interstitial Cystitis for 6 years, have chronic allergies and sinus including headaches, and have chronic constant stress and anxiety since I was a teenager. I was tired of feeling sick, stressed, and being on so many prescription medications. I had heard many great things about acupuncture, but always delayed trying it out, not sure if it would really work for me. I wanted to find someone who could mainly help my IC, and when I googled an acupuncturist in NYC for IC, Joe’s website came up. I am so glad it did, because ever since starting acupuncture with Joe, my health, body, and life has been better in all aspects.”
~ A.B., New York City